This page provides links to sample videos in Educate.Today’s Understanding American Government video series.
In this video series viewers learn about the workings of government from those who work in government.
To see each sample video, click on the hyperlinked title below or click on the thumbnail image to the right.
Understanding American Government: Judge Limbaugh Explains Different Judicial Viewpoints Regarding Constitutional Interpretation
Judge Stephen N. Limbaugh, Sr., retired judge of the U.S. District Court of the Eastern and Western Districts of Missouri, explains how a “strict constructionist” judge might interpret the Constitution versus different styles of Constitutional interpretation.
Understanding American Government: Processes a Judge Follows When Making a Decision
Judge Mary Russell, former Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court, explains the materials available to a judge and the process a judge might use when deciding a case.
Understanding American Government: Effect of Citizens United Supreme Court Case
Jack Oliver, former chairman of the Republican National Committee, explains the basic reasoning behind the Supreme Court’s decision in the Citizen United case that affected campaign speech and donations.
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