Timelines of History
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Grades: 3 - 8

Focus Area Description:  Videos highlight advances over time that have taken place in a wide variety of fields and endeavors.

Our current library of 15 videos in this Focus Area are available in the “Related” column to the right; to view them click a thumbnail and become a member of Educate.Today. 

To see sample videos in this area of the collection, click any of the titles below:

When Did That Happen?  Archaeology

Quick Ideas for Using our Timelines of History Videos:

  • Use the videos to make cross-curricular connections with the topic areas highlighted in each video.
  • Use the videos with lesson plans you create that have students develop their own timeline videos on topics you are studying in class or they choose on their own.
  • Provide the videos for students to view independently to satisfy their own curiosity/interest in the topic highlighted.
  • Use the videos with lesson plans you create that have students take a particular event(s) from one or more of the videos to research in more depth and then create a new timeline video with events related to what they learned through their research.
  • Share timeline videos that students create on the school district website or other public forum of your choice.