Skills for Success
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Grades: 6 - 12

Focus Area Description:  Videos offer first person examples of how soft skills and study skills can make a difference in your daily life and your career.

Our current library of 46 videos in this Focus Area are available in the subareas listed to the right; to view them click a thumbnail and become a member of Educate.Today.

To see sample videos in this area of the collection, click any of the titles below:

New October 2022! Seeing Opportunity in Challenges
Other Samples:
New May 2022! The Benefits of Apprenticeships/Internships in Determining Post-High School Options
Building a Business as a Woman of Color—The Importance of Hard Work and High Standards

Quick Ideas for Using our Skills for Success Videos:

  • Use the videos as part of a lesson plan/unit focused on enhancing student study skills or interpersonal skills.
  • View videos in small group or whole class settings and have students respond to the insight/example provided by the expert. What do they agree or disagree with?  Why?
  • Have students view one or more videos focused on skills in a job/career area the student is NOT interested in or thinks would not apply to them and then have them report on what they learned and if/how that insight was/wasn’t beneficial to the job/career area they are interested in.
  • Use the videos with lesson plans you create that have students apply the skills learned to in-class and/or out of class behavior, interpersonal interactions, etc.
  • Have students include insights gained through the videos as part of their projects, papers, and presentations on a careers-related subject by:
    • interpreting and/or summarizing what they saw and learned in the video.
    • citing quotations from the expert in the video.