Focus Area Description: Videos highlight print and visual media communication in action and media literacy in practice with professionals working in the fields.
Our current library of 24 videos in this Focus Area are available to the right; to view them click a thumbnail and become a member of Educate.Today.
To see sample videos in this area of the collection, click any of the titles below:
New November 2022! Analyzing a Political Advertisement 1
Other Samples:
New May 2022! Managing Your Digital Footprint
How to Spot Fake News
Quick Ideas for Using our Media and Media Literacy Videos:
- Provide students with insights into the day to day workings and processes involved in a career in communications, media, or journalism.
- Use the videos as a conversation starter for a class discussion on a topic linked to communications, journalism, or media.
- Give students the opportunity to learn by example by getting “inside the head” of working professionals in communications, journalism, and media.
- Use the videos with lesson plans you create focused on media literacy.
- Have students include insights gained through the videos as part of their projects, papers, and presentations on a communications-related subject by:
- interpreting and/or summarizing what they saw and learned in the video.
- citing quotations from the expert in the video.