Making Music
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Grades: 3 - 5

Focus Area Description: Go inside the creative world of music with professional musicians and music teachers as they share how they make music, why they make music, and what it’s like to make a living in music.

Our current library of 32 videos in this Focus Area are available in the “Related” column to the right; to view them click a thumbnail and become a member of Educate.Today.

To see sample videos in this area of the collection, click any of the titles below:

New October 2022! Little Known Ragtime History
Other Samples:
The Bass in Jazz Music
Being a Singer and Songwriter–Bloom

Quick Ideas for Using our Making Music Videos:

  • Foster an appreciation for music by learning from professional musicians and music teachers directly.
  • Give students a “behind the scenes” look at what goes into creating music by going “inside the head” of musicians and seeing how and why they create.
  • Help students learn about different musical concepts, instruments, and styles.
  • Have students include insights gained through the videos as part of their projects, papers, and presentations on a music-related subject by:
    • interpreting and/or summarizing what they saw and learned in the video.
    • citing quotations from the expert in the video.