Issues in Criminal Justice
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Grades: K - 12

This page provides links to sample videos in Educate.Today’s Issues in Criminal Justice video series.

Videos in the series explore and investigate criminal justice principles and practices with experts in the field.

To see each sample video, click on the hyperlinked title below or click on the thumbnail image to the right.

Issues in Criminal Justice:  How Does Law Enforcement Balance the Rights of All Against the Rights of Those Marching as Part of Their Right to Assembly?
Lt. Jerry Lohr of the Saint Louis County Police Department explains how law enforcement balances the rights of all against the rights of those marching as part of their right to assembly.

Issues in Criminal Justice:  Practical Questions Concerning the Public Defender System
Legal experts answer questions about how the public defender system works.

Issues in Criminal Justice:  The Miranda Decision
The program content provides a thorough exploration of the Supreme Court’s historic decision in Miranda v. Arizona.  We investigate details of the case itself and the political, cultural, and legal forces that brought this issue before the Court.  We explore the Constitutional concepts that were at issue.  And we gauge the importance of the decision as we discuss its impact on American life at the time of its announcement and its continuing impact through the Miranda rights and related police procedures that function in our criminal justice system today.

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