History in the First Person
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Grades: K - 12

This page provides links to sample videos in Educate.Today’s History in the First Person video series.

Through our History in the First Person video series, take your study of history to those who lived it first hand.  Learn via the power of primary sources through stories from those who were there, primary source text and video, and additional insight from historians, scholars and practitioners in fields related to the historic event.

To see each sample video, click on the hyperlinked title below or click on the thumbnail image to the right.

History in the First Person:  The Story of the Little Rock Nine
Learn the story of the first 9 African American students to attend the all white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Learn how powers of local and national government battled integration three years after the landmark, Brown v the Board of Education of Topeka ruled segregation unconstitutional. Hear from students, Ernest Green, the first African American to graduate from Central High School, and Melba Pattillo Beals, PhD, who penned her inspirational memoirs in her best selling books Warriors Don’t Cry, March Forward Girl, and I Will Not Fear. Learn about their trials and triumphs while fighting for a quality education with equal opportunities.

History in the First Person:  Ben Fainer on His Camp Experiences
Ben Fainer describes life as a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp.

History in the First Person:  A Conversation with Carter Holt, IED Clearance Combat Engineer in Iraq and Afghanistan
In this interview Carter Holt recounts his service removing IEDs during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

History in the First Person:  Bobby Rush—King of the Chitlin’ Circuit
Musician Bobby Rush shares what it was like to perform on the Chitlin’ Circuit.

History in the First Person:  Ilse Altman on Kristallnacht
Holocaust survivor Ilse Altman describes living through Kristallnacht.

History in the First Person:  Building the Mercury Capsule
Who were the individuals who pioneered this amazing program that put Americans into space?  What inspired them to do their work?  How did they design the spacecraft and the systems that would rocket a man into orbit and safely bring him back to Earth? What were their challenges?  What were their triumphs?  Explore these questions and more as you learn directly from engineers who daily applied the process of scientific inquiry to design and build a spacecraft from scratch.

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