Earth and Atmosphere
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Grades: K - 12

This page provides links to sample videos in Educate.Today’s Earth and Atmosphere video series.

Videos in the series investigate earth and atmospheric sciences with geologists, seismologists, meteorologists and other practitioners.

To see each sample video, click on the hyperlinked title below or click on the thumbnail image to the right.

Earth and Atmosphere:  How Do You Interpret the Radar to Find a Tornado?
National Weather Service meteorologist Wes Browning interprets radar data to locate a tornado.

Earth and Atmosphere:  Fossil Flourescence
View this video to see examples of fossil flourescence and learn how geologists are using this characteristic of some fossils to aid their earth science research.

Earth and Atmosphere:  How Do the Sound Waves Move Out from an Earthquake’s Epicenter?
Dr. Robert B. Hermann of  the Saint Louis University Earthquake Center explains how S waves move out from an earthquake’s epicenter.

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