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Grades: K - 12

This page provides links to sample videos in Educate.Today’s StageCrafters video series.

Videos in the series feature actors, designers, directors, producers, playwrights, and theater management professionals discussing their craft.

To see each sample video, click on the hyperlinked title below or click on the thumbnail image to the right.

StageCrafters:  The Intersection of Art and Principles
How can an artist’s personal principles be applied to their work?  In this video, Katy Keating, co-founder of Poor Monsters Theatre Company, describes how she used her love of Shakespeare and feminist beliefs to co-found a company designed to counter an unbalanced gender ratio in professional theatre.

StageCrafters:  Advice for Aspiring Directors
Director Melissa Rain Anderson gives her advice to any aspiring directors.

StageCrafters:  Stephen Sondheim with Advice for a Young Playwright
Tony and Pulitzer Prize-winning composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim shares his thoughts on the playwriting process.

StageCrafters:  StageCrafters with Kwofe Coleman
What does it mean to be the Managing Director of a Theatre?  And what if that theater just happens to be the Muny (Municipal Theatre of St. Louis), America’s oldest and largest outdoor musical theatre?  Find out in this interview with Kwofe Coleman, the man who does just that.

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