The Business of Art: How Do You Evaluate A Work of Art To Determine if it Is Right for Your Gallery?

Video Description: Type of Video:  Q & A Segment*

Description:  Robert Powell, artist, educator, and founder/executive director of Portfolio Gallery shares his process for determining if a work of art is appropriate to hang in his gallery.

This video is one of many in our Business of Art video series.  Videos in this series include the following types of videos available from Educate.Today:  Profile, Topical, One-on-One Interview, Archived Program, Segment from Archived Program or Interview, Q & A Segment.

*Q & A (1-5 minutes) videos feature answers to direct and specific questions offering insights into terminology, processes, and first person experiences in the area of study, often taken from longer live programs and interviews.

For more information on the different types of videos available in the Educate.Today collection, download “Educate Today Types of Videos.”

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Unique Video ID: Business of Art-2**

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