How a Train Runs—Roles of Conductor, Engineer, Brakeman, Hostler, and DispatcherNew May 2022! Learn about the different jobs that are part of making sure a train runs successfully.
Login to ViewHow Does a Train Stay on the Track ?New May 2022! Find out how a train's wheels interact with the track and what keeps the train from going off the track.
Login to ViewWhat Purpose Did a Caboose Serve and Why Don’t We See Them on Trains Anymore?New May 2022! A retired train conductor explains the purpose for cabooses and why they are very rarely used anymore.
Login to ViewWhat Happens at a Railroad SwitchyardNew May 2022! Take a tour of a railroad switchyard to see how the operation works to switch individual freight train cars from one train to another as they travel across the country.
Login to ViewDo Trains Have Speed Limits?New May 2022! Learn how speed limits are set for trains and how trains are operated to maintain their speed.
Login to ViewTaking a Train RideNew May 2022! See what happens when you take a train ride from downtown St. Louis to Kirkwood, MO.
Login to ViewHow Does That Work? Powering a LocomotiveNew June 2022! See the workings of a locomotive power plant and learn how it operates.
Login to ViewHow Does That Work? Magnetic Levitation TrainsNew May 2022! Learn how magnetic levitation trains work.
Login to ViewStarting a LocomotiveLearn how to start a locomotive and compare that process to starting a car.
Login to ViewLocomotive Power PlantSee the workings of a locomotive power plant and learn how it operates.
Login to ViewExplanation of Wheel CarriageRailroad personnel explain how a train car's wheel carriage works and how it's repaired.
Login to ViewRemoving the Wheel CarriageRailroad personnel remove a train car's wheel carriage for maintenance and repair.
Login to ViewTrain Control Operator in ActionHear and see a train traffic operator in action as he uses his control panel to guide train traffic.
Login to ViewControl Panel ExplanationLearn how train traffic operators use control panels to control rail traffic on railroads and in railyards.
Login to ViewWhat Do the Engineer and Other Personnel Do to Make Sure the Train Runs Smoothly?Railroad personnel explain the jobs of the engineer and other personnel, who make sure that train runs smoothly.
Login to ViewWhen Did That Happen? TrainsLearn about important events and people in the history of train transportation.
Login to ViewWhat Happens If I’m Going to Ride a Train?Railroad personnel explain what happens during train rides and how to ride one.
Login to ViewWhere Is That? (Trains)Take a trip round the world to interesting locations related to trains and train history.
Login to ViewExplore! TrainsLearn how trains operate, what it's like to ride a train, and how trains impact our lives.
Login to ViewExplore Trains Student Questions 2Learn more about the history and operation of trains from experts.
Login to ViewExplore Trains Student Questions 1Learn more about the history and operation of trains from experts.
Login to ViewExplore Trains Student Questions 3Learn more about the history and operation of trains from experts.