I Remember: Flying Missions at GuadalcanalNew May 2023! Tom Mohan remembers what it was like to fly missions during the Battle of Guadalcanal in World War II.
I Remember: The Day the Battle of the Bulge BeganRichard Coyle remembers working as a field lineman the day the Battle of the Bulge began.
I Remember: Fighting in the Battle of the BulgeDonald Green shares memories of fighting in the Battle of the Bulge in World War II.
I Remember: 456 Days as a World War II Prisoner of WarRichard Gearhart remembers his experience as a prisoner of war held by Germans in World War II and his release to freedom at the end of the war.
I Remember: Fighting and Capture In ItalyNew May 2023! Richard Gearhart remembers fighting in the Battle of Monte Cassino and being taken prisoner by the German army in World War II.
The Marines of the The Mosquito BowlBuzz Bissinger speaks passionately about football, the Navy, Guadalcanal, Okinawa, and 19 year old's who got to be boys one more time before they became men by necessity.
The Value of Air Support on Troop Movement in World War IINew March 2023! A World War II veteran describes the value of strafing missions and the difficult weather conditions faced during the Battle of the Bulge to accomplish them.
Veteran Robert Kinzler Shares His Story of Surviving the Attack on Pearl HarborNew March 2023! Accompanied by images of the time, a World War II veteran describes his journey to Hawaii, his service at Pearl Harbor and his first hand experience as the Japanese attack occurred.
The Horrors of War and the Battle for OkinawaNew March 2023! The horror of war is emphasized in Buzz Bissinger’s book, The Mosquito Bowl, because he wants his readers to understand the true toll war brings.
Did You Ever Deny Your Faith? A Holocaust Survivor RemembersNew January 2023! George Spooner tells about the day he denied his faith and how he learned that he was a Jew and remains firm about that to this day.
Coming to America and FreedomNew January 2023! George Spooner talks about how he and his parents were able to leave England and come to the United States.
Crossing the Atlantic Ocean to Make it to AmericaNew January 2023! George Spooner talks about how he and his parents were able to leave England and come to the United States.
Wearing a Jewish Star and Losing FriendsNew December 2022! Holocaust survivor Ela Weissberger talks about having to wear the yellow star and how friends turned away from her because of it.
Losing My Friends and Wearing a Jewish StarNew December 2022! Holocaust survivor Ela Weissberger talks about having to wear the yellow star and how friends turned away from her because of it.
How Did It Change With Your Friends When the Nazis Took Over?New November 2022! Ilse Altman speaks about the speed with which Jews were met with violence and segregation.
National History Day 2022-23–Frontiers In History: People, Places, IdeasCheck out our resources for National History Day 2022-23!
Remembering the Announcement of the Attack on Pearl HarborNew September 2022! Three World War II veterans recall where they were, how they felt, and how people reacted when they heard that Pearl Harbor had been attacked.
Being a Bombardier in World War IINew September 2022! World War II veteran Ralph Goldsticker shares stories of his experience as a bombardier in World War II. Archival footage and images are included throughout.
An Interview with Holocaust Survivor Rachel MillerNew September 2022! Holocaust Survivor Rachel Miller shares seeing the German’s march into Paris and the many changes this brought to her family and her life.
Living Through the Holocaust: An Interview with Survivor Rachel MillerNew September 2022! Holocaust Survivor Rachel Miller shares seeing the German’s march into Paris and the many changes this brought to her family and her life.
Jimmy Lee Shares His Story of Seeing the Attack on Pearl HarborNew August 2022! A civilian at the time, Jimmy Lee describes his experience witnessing the attack on Pearl Harbor and his later decision to enlist and join the war effort.
Interacting with the French After LiberationNew June 2022! A World War II veteran shares a story of interacting with a French family after the country had been liberated.
What Happened After KristallnachtNew May 2022! George Spooner tells what happened to his family shortly after Kristallnacht.
Remembering the Battle of the BulgeNew May 2022! World War II veteran Barney Baker recalls seeing survivors of the Battle coming back from the lines of battle and the impact it had on him.