The Science Behind ArchaeologyMeet an archaeologist working a dig in Ireland and learn how archaeologists decide where to dig, how to dig, what tools to use, and how to identify what they find.
The Communications Systems for the Mercury ProjectNew March 2023! Learn directly from NASA engineers and see NASA footage of the time as they describe the communication systems used for the Mercury missions.
What Technology Was Like When the Space Race BeganNew March 2023! Learn about and see examples of the technology available at the beginning of the space race with three NASA Mercury Program engineers.
Assembling the Mercury CapsuleNew February 2023! Connect with Mercury mission engineers and go into the white room at McDonnell in the 1950s to see how the Mercury capsule was assembled.
Processing and Delivering Rock Blasted at a QuarryNew February 2023! Go to a rock quarry and see how blasted rock is moved to a crushing facility, crushed, and then delivered to customers.
Water Anywhere with WatergenNew January 2023! Watergen has developed a unique technology that can generate drinking water anywhere, from the air, through a box!
See a UR-10 Robot Take on a Hazardous Task in the WorkplaceNew January 2023! Join a robotics engineer/technician to see a UR-10 robot in action taking on a hazardous workplace task and learn how that helps worker safety and productivity.
The Process of Creating Ice Cream Using Liquid NitrogenNew November 2022! The chef at an ice cream parlor demonstrates how he uses liquid nitrogen to create ice cream from scratch for his customers
Michelangelo Works on St. Peter’s BasilicaNew October 2022! Michelangelo expert, Dr. William Wallace discusses the artist’s engineering skills and how those were used in the redesign and reconstruction of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.
Teaching a Universal Robot A TaskNew October 2022! Watch as a robotics engineer technician teaches a universal collaborative robot to complete a spcecific task.
Teaching a Universal Robot the Task to AccomplishNew October 2022! Watch as a robotics engineer technician teaches a universal collaborative robot to complete a specific task.
STEM in Practice: Rescuing the Thai Boys’ Soccer TeamNew September 2022! Author Christina Soontornvat used her engineering background to explain how the rescue mission in Thailand to save 13 people trapped in a cave by flooding came together.
How a Baseball Pitcher Creates Velocity (Member Created Video)New September 2022! Learn from a baseball coach and baseball players how a pitcher creates velocity in this video created by a student at Ladue Horton Watkins High School.
How Does That Work? Morse CodeLearn how telegraphy was created and how Morse Code was developed and used to send messages through the technology.
How Does That Work? Fibonacci SequenceNew September 2022! Learn about the Fibonacci Sequence and how it occurs in math and nature, and used by humans in applications in the arts, architecture, engineering, and more.
Using Acceleration, Momentum, and Leverage in Sporting EventsNew September 2022! A track coach shares examples of how track and other athletes use speed, acceleration, power, momentum, and leverage to their advantage.
Flying a SailplaneNew September 2022! Take to the skies with a sailplane pilot and see what it takes to soar through the clouds.
How Does That Work? Tuning and Playing a Pipe OrganNew August 2022! Al Haker, organ curator at the Fabulous Fox Theater, takes viewers through the intricacies of keeping the Wurlitzer organ tuned.
Studying Banteng to Prevent ExtinctionNew August 2022! Banteng are a wild special of cattle from Southeast Asia and there are only 8,000 of them left in the wild. Learn what zoos are doing to preserve this species.
Fantastic Felines: The Cat Genome ProjectNew July 2022! On the prowl for a scientific discovery about domestic cats that can benefit human health, researchers find that cats are more genetically similar to humans than nearly all other mamma...
Executing A Non-Electronic Rock Blast at a Rock QuarryNew July 2022! Go to a rock quarry with an explosives expert and mining engineer to see how a controlled non-electronic blast is set up and executed. See the blast and the science and technology beh...
A Non-Electronic Rock Blast at a Rock QuarryNew July 2022! Go to a rock quarry with an explosives expert and mining engineer to see how a controlled non-electronic blast is set up and executed. See the blast and the technology behind it.
Fantastic Felines–The Cat Genome ProjectNew July 2022! On the prowl for a scientific discovery about domestic cats that can benefit human health, researchers find that cats are more genetically similar to humans than nearly all other mamma...