Created with an exceptionally diverse array of individuals and organizations, Educate.Today’s First-Person, Real World, and Expert-Driven videos are designed with an active, thinking, curious learner in mind.
Learners Go:
- “Inside the head” of expert practitioners applying the topic or skill they are studying.
- “Inside the location” where real world work is happening.
- “Inside the historic or current event” described by the people who were there when it happened.
So They Can:
- Actively think and make connections with the outside world.
- Analyze what they are learning and apply information successfully.
- Ask questions, collaborate, and take ownership of their learning journey.
- Construct, express, and evaluate their learning through multiple avenues.
- Transfer what they learn into real-life experiences.
Below is a quick list of general ideas for using our videos. For additional strategies and applications, check out the resources available in the “Related” column on this page.
Use Our Videos To:
- Build on children’s interests.
- Support and enrich topics students are exploring on their own or as part of a class assignment.
- Facilitate problem-based learning and flipped learning experiences.
- Supplement student research projects and other student-driven project-based learning activities.
- Improve student learning using scaffolding and jigsaw techniques.
- Meet learning needs in both small and large groups.
- Provide closed-captioning options for students who need it.
- Address digital divide and bandwidth issues and provide for learning anywhere, anytime by taking advantage of our always-growing library of downloadable videos.
- Let students interact in real time with an expert through our on-demand interactive programs.