Fat Dancer
Grades: 7 - 12

Video Description: A new mini-play called “Fat Dancer” has debuted in St. Louis. Produced by St. Lou Fringe, the script is based on the recollections and experiences of the cast, not all of whom are either dancers, or overweight. Though it is short, “Fat Dancer” has three distinct acts, performed at multiple venues back to back, all in 12 minutes. Meet the cast and director, learn about how the production came to life, and think about how the power of theater, both in terms of theatrical text and in terms of performance space, can be used to affect audience perceptions and points of view.

Type of Video: Story*
Unique Video ID: Theatre-48**

Quick Ideas for Using the Video:

  • Have students respond to the subject matter of the play. How does a play on this subject make them feel? Would they go see such a play? Why or why not?
  • Use the video as part of an activity that has students select a non-theatre setting for a scene they are rehearsing and performing. What location would they choose? Why? How would the location affect their performance of the scene and audience reaction to the scene? What does this exercise tell them about the importance of venue on an audience’s response to a play?


*Story videos employ a narrative form to highlight a topic, location, or practitioner in the area of study.

**The unique Video ID can be used to quickly locate a single video in the ET collection. This search function is designed to let teachers assign students to watch a specific video and have only that video appear as a search result. Just click on Search and choose “By Video ID.” Then type in the Video ID as it appears above. Be sure to include the dash.
