Painting: Rich Brooks, Art to Make You Smile:
Grades: 6 - 12

Video Description: When the global health crisis forced his art gallery to close in the spring of 2020, Rich Brooks began painting outside every day with a focus on making art that could inspire smiles during that dark time. View a selection of the work in this video.

Type of Video: Profile*
Unique Video ID: AandA-RBrooks**

Quick Ideas for Using the Video:

  • For Discussion: Have students respond to the art seen in the video. Does it make them smile? Why or why not? What do they like about the art?
  • For Discussion: Discuss the technique Mr. Brooks uses to create his artwork. What to students think about the “dots?” Are they “strokes” to them as they are to Mr. Brooks? Have students experiment with using the same technique in paintings of their own.
  • Activity Idea: Use the video as inspiration for a class project where students create their own art to make people smile. Put the finished works on public display and seek feedback from those seeing the artwork made them smile and why.


*Profile videos use a first-person/first-hand approach to highlight interesting people doing interesting things in the area of study.

**The unique Video ID can be used to quickly locate a single video in the ET collection. This search function is designed to let teachers assign students to watch a specific video and have only that video appear as a search result. Just click on Search and choose “By Video ID.” Then type in the Video ID as it appears above. Be sure to include the dash.