Promoting Kindness in Schools
Grades: 6 - 12

Video Description: View these examples of school kindness projects to help inspire your school to pursue kindness projects of its own.

Type of Video: Story*
Unique Video ID: Character-8**

Quick Ideas for Using the Video:

  • Use the video in a professional development setting as your school works on character education curriculum.
  • Use the video as part of your character education study promoting kindness. Ask students to journal about, or talk about in small groups various topics and examples seen in the video. After writing and talking, have students share their ideas with the class.


*Story videos employ a narrative form to highlight a topic, location, or practitioner in the area of study.

**The unique Video ID can be used to quickly locate a single video in the ET collection. This search function is designed to let teachers assign students to watch a specific video and have only that video appear as a search result. Just click on Search and choose “By Video ID.” Then type in the Video ID as it appears above. Be sure to include the dash.
