Focus Area Description: Enjoy short videos with writers as they discuss the why, the how, and the joy of writing.
Our current library of 93 videos in this Focus Area are available in the subareas listed to the right; to view them click a thumbnail and become a member of Educate.Today.
To see sample videos in this area of the collection, click any of the titles below:
New April 2023! Marie Benedict: Choosing a Point of View for My Novel
Other Samples:
New March 2023! Silas House: What Happens When I Write
New February 2023! Creating My Stories: Roshani Chokshi
New January 2023! Meet the Author: Jas Hammonds
Using Imaginative Truth When Writing a Biography
Quick Ideas for Using our On Writing Videos:
- Provide the videos for students to view independently to gain insights into the writing process and/or answer specific questions students might have as they write themselves.
- Use the videos as a conversation starter for a class discussion on a topic linked to the writing process.
- Use the videos with journal prompts for students to write about as they respond to/reflect on content included in the video.
- Use the videos with lesson plans you create asking students to respond to particular examples or insights in a video and how they might apply it to their own writing practice.
- Have students include insights gained through the videos as part of their projects, papers, and presentations on a writing-related subject by:
- interpreting and/or summarizing what they saw and learned in the video.
- citing quotations from the expert in the video.