Off the Shelf: The Case of Sensational Stims
Grades: K - 5

Video Description: Author Erin Garcia and illustrator Christian Bajusz read their book, “The Case of Sensational Stims.” In addition to reading the story, Erin and Christian share information on how and why they wrote the book and provide questions for student discussion.

From the Book Cover: Joey and his sister, Elise, love to have fun. That is, until something unexpected happens. They need to solve the case of sensational stims so they can go play! What is stimming, exactly? It’s the body’s way of dealing with overwhelming sensory input. Stimming is also amazing and very important for people with special sensory needs, like Joey.

Learn more about the book and Tiger Livy’s journey on Facebook, Instagram, and the Sensational Stims Website.

Type of Video: Topical*
Unique Video ID: Off the Shelf-2**

Quick Ideas for Using the Video:

  • After viewing the video, engage students in the discussion questions Erin and Christian provide at the end: Do you stim? What does your stimming look like? Why is stimming helpful for some people? Why is it important to talk about stimming? How can we help our peers feel safe when they stim?
  • As part of your character education/SEL study, have students offer their reactions to the book and discuss its themes in class discussion, think/pair/share duos, and/or in journal entries.
  • As part of your language arts study, discuss the characters and plot of the book and have students create a drawing of their favorite moment from the story.


*Topical videos are filmed on location in the classroom/workspace/laboratory, in studio, or a combination of both to explain and/or demonstrate specific concepts, events, topics, or processes.

**The unique Video ID can be used to quickly locate a single video in the ET collection. This search function is designed to let teachers assign students to watch a specific video and have only that video appear as a search result. Just click on Search and choose “By Video ID.” Then type in the Video ID as it appears above. Be sure to include the dash.
