Stephen Chamineak shares what it felt like the day the Supreme Court announced its marriage equality decision in Obergefell v. Hodges.
Teacher Resources for the Video:
Discussion Questions:
- Have students consider and respond to Mr. Chamineak’s statement, “It felt like for the first time that the government was recognizing me as the most authentic version of myself.” What additional events from history do students think are other examples of that same idea applied to different groups of people? Do they believe there are current issues or circumstances where the U.S. government is not yet doing that?
Activity Ideas:
- After viewing the video have students research the decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. What were the constitutional issues involved and why did the Court rule as it did? Do students agree or disagree with the ruling? Have them explain their perspective.
- After viewing this video have students write a short dramatic play or story about that day. They can also create a piece of art that displays to emotions of the day.
Unique ID for the Video: I Remember-23
- Use the unique ID as a shortcut for students to find this specific video. Click on Search and choose “By Video ID.” Type in the Video ID as it appears above.
Send Us Your I Remember Videos:
- Get students thinking like an historian and use the video as a template for creating their own “I Remember” videos. If interested, consider submitting a few of those videos for possible publication on the website. Email us at and put “I Remember Video Submission” in the title line.