Illuminate your study of history by bringing history to life through first person memories. Videos feature people from all walks of life offering personal and intimate recollections on historic events both big and small. Each video in the series is one to five minutes in length, standards-aligned, and is accompanied by quick ideas for using the video.
To view a sample video in the series, click on the video above. To view additional videos in the series, click on any of the thumbnails to the right and become a member of Educate.Today.
Quick Ideas for Using Videos in this Series:
- Use the videos as a conversation starter or in conjunction with a journal prompt as students reflect on how people were affected by events they are studying in class.
- Use the videos to go beyond the dates and broad strokes of an historic event or time period to illuminate the personal nature of history.
- Have students engaging in an individual or group research project on an historic event view the video to obtain primary source quotations and video excerpts they could use in their research to create their final project, paper, or presentation.
- Use the videos as a template for creating your own “I Remember” videos on subjects of your choice. Share the videos in class, through public presentations, or via a school district or community website or other forum of your choice. And, if interested, consider submitting a few of those videos for publication on the Educate.Today website. Email us at and put “I Remember Video Submission” in the title line.