Once a Teacher, Always a Teacher? Life After Teaching with Brittany Long
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Grades: K - 12

This is episode #56 of Classroom Matters by Educate.Today.  We are a program dedicated to speaking with some of the most outstanding educators in the nation, covering different topics in the world of teaching and learning. On today’s episode I will be sitting down with former educator, Brittany Long as we dive into the topic of how to realize your talents in the teaching world and how to know when to move on. Brittany Long is a former science teacher turned freelancer and entrepreneur who now works from home and is the host of the Life After Teaching podcast. Brittany knows what it’s like to feel burned out, tired and desperately wanting more for her life, and although she still advocates for great teachers in the classroom, she also helps teachers find whatever path brings them joy. During this conversation we will be discussing the challenges that educators might face with making a smooth transition out of teaching and what steps to take when making the decision to either stay or go.

Classroom Matters Host – Kristy Houle
Podcast Producers – Jessica Pierce and Kristy Houle
Podcast Audio Editing – Jessica Pierce
Educate.Today Executive Director – Tim Gore


Links to:

Brittany’s website

The Life After Teaching podcast