Challenges and Achievements: A Conversation with Commissioner Dr. Margie Vandeven
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Grades: K - 12

How do you balance the political pull of education while doing what’s best for students at the same time?  Education has become a system of not only expecting academic achievement for ALL students, but also teaching to the whole child.  Dr. Margie Vandeven started her career as a teacher and now serves the state of Missouri as the Commissioner of Education.  However, for educators like Dr. Vandeven climbing the academic ladder doesn’t take the teacher out of you.  In this episode of Classroom Matters join me as I chat with Dr. Vandeven about her journey to the work she is doing now and how we can help teachers remember the “why” of what they do each day.

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“Once a teacher, always a teacher.”
” It doesn’t matter to me how quickly a student graduates, what matters is when they get a diploma they are ready for success.”
“What will we look like if we do not educate our children, I can’t think of a higher calling than that of a teacher.”
— Dr. Margie Vandeven, The Classroom Matters Podcast

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In this episode you’ll learn…

  • About Dr. Vandeven’s position as Commissioner of Education
  • Ways to improve teacher efficacy
  • How parents and teachers can work together to improve child learning

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Links to…

Dr. Vandeven’s DESE bio

Her Twitter


Thumbnail photo via the Columbia Daily Tribune