The Dangers of Teacher Stress with Dr. Debra Peppers
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Grades: K - 12

Debra Peppers is here to chat about the dangers of teacher stress in today’s demanding world of education. She also shares with us her troubled past as a high school student and how she rose above her adversity to success and eventual enshrinement in the National Teacher Hall of Fame.

Photo via Debra Peppers



“The non-motivated students need just one little inch of success, and the same goes for teachers.”

“Don’t forget, when you’re going into the hospital on that stretcher and the sheet is coming up over your eyes and as you’re looking up….there’s one of your students.”

“A balanced life, a balanced everything, and a balanced classroom. That’s our goal.”

-Dr. Debra Peppers, The Classroom Matters Podcast



In this episode, you’ll hear

  • Research on teacher stress
  • Expectations we as a society we put on teachers that cause stress and health issues
  • A few simple things teachers can do to create a healthier outlook, both mentally and physically

It’s Your Turn Now by Debra Peppers

Links to…

Debra Peppers’ website.

Purchase her book and other materials.

Book her as a speaker for your next event.

View her National Teacher Hall of Fame page.