My First Computer
Grades: 5 - 12

Jessica Pierce remembers her family’s first computer and how she used it.

Teacher Resources for the Video:

    Discussion Questions:

  • Have students consider the impact of computer technology on their lives. Where do they see it making a difference in their lives and the lives of their family? What positive and negative effects do they see? How has computer technology affected other devices as well like cell phones and televisions? Do students believe we spend too much time with computer enabled technology? Why or why not?
    Activity Ideas:

  • After viewing the video, have students write a journal entry or engage in a think pair/share activity that asks them to compare Jessica’s first computer and what she was able to use it for to computers they use at school or home today. What are they able to do that Jessica could not? Jessica is just now in her mid-twenties; what does this tell students about the advancement of computer technology in the past twenty years. Why do they think it has advanced so quickly? Can they think of other examples of technology that have advanced as quickly or more quickly?
    Unique ID for the Video: I Remember-20

  • Use the unique ID as a shortcut for students to find this specific video. Click on Search and choose “By Video ID.” Type in the Video ID as it appears above.
    Send Us Your I Remember Videos:

  • Get students thinking like an historian and use the video as a template for creating their own “I Remember” videos. If interested, consider submitting a few of those videos for possible publication on the website. Email us at and put “I Remember Video Submission” in the title line.