Using Learning Centers
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Grades: K - 12

A learning center is an area within the classroom that provides students with exciting and interesting experiences to practice, enrich, reteach, and enhance their learning.  They are typically filled with the tools the students need to do those activities.

The resources in this tool kit are designed to give you some ideas on how to use learning centers in your classroom, provide you sample lesson plans and templates to build from, and link you to additional resources on the topic.  Additional Learning Center activity idea and lesson plan Teacher Tools can be found with many videos throughout the Educate.Today website.

Have a lesson plan, article you’ve written, or a video of a student project incorporating a learning center approach that you’d like us to look at for possible publication on our Educate.Today website?  Send us the completed form you’ll find here and we’ll get back in touch.

Teacher Tools
Teacher Tool 596: Learning Centers in Action
Download this document to read articles by current and retired teachers offering their ideas, experiences, and resources on how to successfully use learning centers in the classroom.