Using Writing Across the Curriculum
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Grades: K - 12

Giving students the opportunity to write in a variety of forms provides a very effective avenue for them to share their learning and understanding in any curriculum area.  The resources in this tool kit are designed to give you some ideas on how to use writing strategies across curriculum areas and provide you some sample lesson plans and templates to build from.

Additional writing-focused activity idea and lesson plan Teacher Tools can be found with many videos throughout the Educate.Today website.

Have a lesson plan, article you’ve written, or a video of a student project incorporating writing across the curriculum that you’d like us to look at for possible publication on our Educate.Today website?  Send us the completed form you’ll find here and we’ll get back in touch.

Teacher Tools
Teacher Tool 589: Using Writing Across the Curriculum–Sample Lesson Plans
This document provides a sampling of lesson plans utilizing writing strategies and vocabulary building across the curriculum in a variety of general ways. Additional writing strategy and vocabulary building activity ideas and lesson plans related to specific curriculum areas are available with each of our Curriculum Topic Resource Packages. Writing strategy and vocabulary building lesson plans are also available as a Teacher Tool with many individual videos on our website.