Educate.Today Segments from Archived Programs and Interviews (1-15 minutes) offer flexible and differentiated ways to use the rich content on specific topics included in live programs and interviews.
Business Skills Samples
The Challenges of Starting My Own Business
Caryn Dugan, entrepreneur and owner of her own plant-based nutrition and life-style business, discusses the challenges and obstacles she faced when starting her business.
Advice for Students Interested in Management
Kwofe Coleman, Managing Director for the Muny, offers advice for students interested in the business side of theatre.
Political Science and International Relations Samples
The Significance of New York Times v. Sullivan
Gilbert Bailon, Editor of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch discusses this landmark free press case, the question the Court was asked to address, the decision of the Court, and its continuing impact.
Processes a Judge Follows When Making a Decision
Judge Mary Russell, former Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court, explains the materials available to a judge and the process a judge might use when deciding a case.
Criminology and Criminal Justice Samples
The Right to Assemble from a Law Enforcement Perspective
Lt. Jerry Lohr of the Saint Louis County Police Department provides an overview of the right to assemble from a law enforcement perspective.
Sociology Samples
Strategies for Bringing Diverse Groups Together to Effect Legislation
Change agents Dr. Geoff Ward, Associate Professor and Associate Chair of African and African-American Studies at Washington University in St. Louis and Darryl T. Jones II, Director of Community Engagement and Partnerships for the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis offer their perspectives on the topic.
Soft Skills/Study Skills Samples
Making Effective Collaboration a Reality
Hear students, administrators, and corporate professionals discuss the importance of collaboration and methods that encourage collaboration as you work on a project.
The Importance of Passion
National Teacher Hall of Fame member Debra Peppers shares her perspective on what makes passion such an important characteristic for successful teaching and other fields as well.