Help Options

Do you have questions about how to use the website and view examples of videos and other materials available through the collection?  Find answers below.

Search Functions:

  1.  How can I search for videos on the website?  Videos are searchable by keyword, category, video ID, and standards located in the Search drop down menu next to the magnifying glass in the upper portion of the home page.
  2.  How do I search for videos by standards?   The standards search is available in the Search dropdown menu next to the magnifying glass in the upper portion of the home page.  The process is outlined in the pop up box that will appear.  If needed, you can also download the Using the Standards Search Feature.pdf.
  3.  What is meant by the ” Video ID” search and how do I use it?  The “ID” search enables a user to find a specific video based on the word and number provided before the colon in each of our video titles.  For example, the unique ID in the video entitled “Weather 1:  What tools are used to forecast the weather?” is “Weather-1.”  Select “By Video ID” in the Search dropdown menu available on the home page.  Type the unique ID in the keyword box or scroll down for its listing.  Click or hit “return” and  only that video will appear as a search result.

Web Browsers:

  1.  Do I need a specific web browser?  Is one or more browser(s) better than others for viewing?  The website was designed with Google Chrome as its preferred browser, but it will work in all browsers.  Currently, the website is built to function most effectively in the browser versions below:

Google Chrome:  Version 67 or above
Safari: Version 11.1 or above
Firefox: Version 60 or above
Microsoft Edge: Version 17 or above

If you are using versions older than the ones listed above, certain features and functions of the website, along with layout of pages, may vary and/or not work.  The resolution of your screen and device you are viewing on will also affect page layout.  For best use, we recommend utilizing the most recent version of the browser you select.