HRP 16: Visual Arts

135 items and 9 tools found

Student Tools
Student Tool 66: Video Reflection Worksheet
Students can use this activity on their own to share their learning and insights about any video they watch independently, and this Student Tool can also be used in conjunction with Teacher Tool 318: Sharing Your Insights Through A Reflection Worksheet as part of a classroom or homeschool activity. This tool can be used with any video on the Educate.Today website.
Student Tool 81: Meet the Artist Video Reflection Student Worksheet
This student reflection worksheet is designed to be used in conjunction with any of our "Meet the Artist" videos. A copy is also included in Teacher Tool 593 that is provided on this web page as well. To find our "Meet the Artist" videos, just type "Meet the Artist" in your keyword search.
Teacher Tools
Teacher Tool 317: Cross Curricular Activity–Sharing Insights Through a Journal Entry
This teacher tool, accompanying the video above, provides an Interdisciplinary activity that invites students to write a journal entry that shares learning and insights they gained by watching the video. This tool can be used with any video on the Educate.Today website.
Teacher Tool 318: Cross Curricular Activity–Video Reflection
This teacher tool, accompanying the video above, provides an Interdisciplinary activity that invites students to complete a reflection worksheet to share learning and insights they gained by watching the video. This tool can be used with any video on the Educate.Today website.
Teacher Tool 319: Cross Curricular Activity–Sharing Learning Verbally
This teacher tool, accompanying the video above, provides an Interdisciplinary activity that invites students to share learning and insights they gained by watching the video through verbal sharing and conversation. This tool can be used with any video on the Educate.Today website.
Teacher Tool 320: Vocabulary Interesting to Me
This teacher tool, accompanying the video above, invites students to increase their vocabulary by selecting, and learning the definitions of, words in the video that are unknown and/or interesting to them. This tool can be used with any video on the Educate.Today website.
Teacher Tool 321: Vocabulary Activity
This teacher tool, accompanying the video above, asks students to listen for certain vocabulary words you have selected and define them in two ways: 1) contextually based on what they think the definition might be based on what they learn in the video; and 2) through a dictionary to either confirm or refine their contextual definition. This tool can be used with any video on the Educate.Today website.
Teacher Tool 329: Understanding Primary and Secondary Sources
Educate.Today is full of primary sources to use with your students. This teacher tool focuses on understanding the difference between primary sources and secondary sources and provides an example of an activity to do with students to build their effective use of primary sources in a research project.
Teacher Tool 593: Meet the Artist Video Reflection
This activity is designed to be used in conjunction with any of our "Meet the Artist" videos. In addition to learning objectives, standards, teacher instructions, and evaluation options, it also includes a copy of the student worksheet (Student Tool 81) that is also provided separately on this web page. To see any of our "Meet the Artist" videos, just type "Meet the Artist" as your keyword search.