Sample Video 118: Visual Arts 186: Inspire Your Heart with Art with Painter/Printmaker Byron Rogers
Grades: K - 12

Video Description: Painter, printmaker, and teacher at both Kirkwood High School and St. Louis ArtWorks, Byron Rogers joins us for Inspire Your Heart with Art.  He shares  examples of his prints and paintings; talks about what inspires his work; techniques, colors, and subject matter of his work; and the unique opportunities and challenges of his chosen medium.  He also shares his passion for art, how it changed his life, and how he believes it can change the lives of others too.

Unique Video ID: Sample Video-118**

**The unique Video ID can be used to quickly locate a single video in the ET collection. This search function is designed to let teachers assign students to watch a specific video and have only that video appear as a search result. Just click on Search and choose “By Video ID.” Then type in the Video ID as it appears above. Be sure to include the dash.

Teacher Tools
Teacher Tool 298: Cross Curricular Activity–Evaluating Live Interviews
This cross-curricular teacher tool, accompanying the video above, is designed to get students thinking about: 1) how live interviews can be used to learn information on topics such as those discussed in the video, and 2) the effectiveness of this interview specifically in helping their learning on this topic as well as the effectiveness (strengths and weaknesses) of interviews in general as a source of information.
Teacher Tool 317: Cross Curricular Activity–Sharing Insights Through a Journal Entry
This teacher tool, accompanying the video above, provides an Interdisciplinary activity that invites students to write a journal entry that shares learning and insights they gained by watching the video. This tool can be used with any video on the Educate.Today website.
Teacher Tool 319: Cross Curricular Activity–Sharing Learning Verbally
This teacher tool, accompanying the video above, provides an Interdisciplinary activity that invites students to share learning and insights they gained by watching the video through verbal sharing and conversation. This tool can be used with any video on the Educate.Today website.
Teacher Tool 320: Vocabulary Interesting to Me
This teacher tool, accompanying the video above, invites students to increase their vocabulary by selecting, and learning the definitions of, words in the video that are unknown and/or interesting to them. This tool can be used with any video on the Educate.Today website.
Teacher Tool 321: Vocabulary Activity
This teacher tool, accompanying the video above, asks students to listen for certain vocabulary words you have selected and define them in two ways: 1) contextually based on what they think the definition might be based on what they learn in the video; and 2) through a dictionary to either confirm or refine their contextual definition. This tool can be used with any video on the Educate.Today website.
Teacher Tool 770: Quick Ideas for Using Our Archived Programs
The archives of our live, interactive programs provide a unique resource for you and your students—all the benefits of having a guest speaker in your classroom or taking students on a field trip without the hassles of scheduling on your own PLUS some unique additional advantages as well. Some of those advantages are related to time. Others are related to flexibility of use. Couldn’t join us live? No problem. With this resource, material included in the live program can assist student learning in the best, differentiated way for your classroom. Download this document for some quick ideas on ways to use this unique resource.